Sunday, May 25, 2014

Welcome to my new studio!

I've missed keeping in touch with you. It's been a process with lots of things happening
around my house as I try to get settled and reclaim my creative routine.
Big hugs and thanks to all of you who have checked up on me:)

Here's how the studio project began:
 Lots of boxes....
 And more boxes, so many boxes I'm not even going to bore you with them all.
Basically I decided to just empty them all and start to organize things
into categories:  blocks, cloths, 

odd little things,

paints, brushes, metals, ceramics, books, etc.

My new computer and I are beginning to get to know each other
and play nicely together.  The only problem is that she insists on doing
every thing her way, all the time, so we're working on our communication issues.

One of the most important things is a comfy spot for Robi and I to take alot of
must needed breaks, we're pooped! Moving is hard work,
but really worth it after all.

My next post is about studio direction, lighting, color and the problem
of glare and how I'm dealing with it.
Talk soon!